Thursday, August 26, 2021

Advancing the Goal


Yesterday, I set a new goal vis-à-vis my bicycle riding. Since the beginning, I've concentrated on increasing the distance I rode every day. As I mentioned yesterday, now that 10 kilometers is a normal morning ride for me, I'd stick with the 10K and work on increasing my speed. It was the first time I had timed my ride - the result being 10 kilometers in 48 minutes for an average speed of 12.5 km/h.

I didn't set out to break a record yesterday. I rode at my usual pace - sometimes pushing myself, sometimes coasting. This morning, I wanted to push myself and see if I could improve on my earlier performance.

I could feel a difference. I rode harder and faster - pushing my limits. I knew this morning's time would be better, although I would not know just how much better until I had completed the 10K. When I had nearly arrived home, with about 1 kilometer to go, I felt I could not push myself any harder. This was going to be my best effort. When I arrived home, I was completely exhausted.

Checking the time, I saw that I had dropped 3 minutes off yesterday's ride. 45 minutes for the 10K. I beat yesterday's speed of 12.5 km/h, doing 13.3 km/h today.

I'm already thinking about tomorrow's ride. Do I continue to push myself harder this third day, or do I hold back a little to allow my body to rest?

I'll decide on that question in the morning when I go out.

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