Monday, November 2, 2020

Trying to Make Sense of Google Adsense


I've mentioned several times - on this blog, as well as on another of my blogs- that although sorryalltheclevernamesaretaken has been around since 2006, someone at Facebook has decided that blog doesn't adhere to Facebook's community standards. I've been given no credible reason why I should not be allowed to post links to that blog on my Facebook page.

As I said, that blog has been around since 2006 and has been displaying Google Adsense ads for quite a long time. It's important to me have the blog links on Facebook, as a way to attract readers to the blog, readers who might have an interest in some product advertised there.

The solution seemed obvious to me. I would begin a new blog which Facebook hasn't "banned". There is by no means anything out of the way posted on this new blog. It's quite tame, as a matter of fact.

As I've already  Google Adsense ads displyed on two blogs, it seemed logical to me to have ads on this new blog as well.

Unfortunately, Google Adsense has yet to approve this new blog. The content on this new blog is just as varied as the content on my other two blogs. I don't quite see the logic of their refusal.

Below is a video explaining the best practices one can use to get a site approved. To the best of my knowledge, I've followed their suggestions but yet this blog is still unapproved.

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