Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Follow the Science?

In a recent opinion piece for [In science we trust], Andrew Mitrovica tells us that now that the "white-coat army" of scientists and physicians have lead the way to realizing humanity’s salvation by kinda-sorta-almost-very nearly tackling COVIS-19, we should finally address the problem of climate change by.......ta da !!!!..... following the science.

Of course, it might have been helpful if Mitrovica had actually explained what he means by that.

Groups such as Fridays for Future demand that we
1) Keep the global temperature rise below 1.5 °C compared to pre-industrial levels.
2) End Fossil Fuel Investments, and
3) Listen to the best united science currently available.

How do we keep global temperature below 1.5 °C compared to pre-industrial levels? One way, activists say, is to end fossil fuel investments world wide. Unfortunately for activists, people have a need for energy. How can those in the "global North" survive in winter without heating? We need fossil fuel to power the trucks and trains that transport food from one location to another. Can we reasonably expect people to sit back and freeze and face starvation?

People all over the planet have come to expect a certain lifestyle which depends on reliable energy sources. Electricity and clean water come with a cost.

What does it mean to "Ensure climate justice and equity" and secure "Climate justice and equity for everyone"? Should the poor in the Third World do without the "luxuries" that First World people call "basic necessities" ?

I agree that certain changes in the environment need to happen, but those changes can't happen without a one world, totalitarian government in control of the planet. In spite of what many may think, we're nowhere near that yet.

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