Thursday, March 25, 2021

Continuing Along the Diversion Road.


I posted onto another of my blogs recently, that I've begun riding my new bicycle along the Diversion road in Sibulan. I've chosen this road because in the upper area of the road, there is no traffic to speak of. Secondly, the road is rather long, so it is perfect for the future, when I'm up to riding farther than I do now.

I can't go very far before I'm winded and unable to keep up the pace. In some ways, I feel a little discouraged that I can only manage a short distance. But, then I remember that I'm no longer a young buck and it has been several months since I've even gone walking.

On balance, I'm more optimistic than pessimistic. I'm certain I can continue on and improve in spite of the difficulties I'm having presently.

I'll do the same tomorrow. I'll ride my bicycle along the bumpy dirt road which leads from my house to the paved barangay road, and up to the Diversion road to ride as far as I'm able. I know it will take weeks to get to a point that I can be happy with.

It's only time.

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