Friday, September 20, 2024

The Informer by Akimitsu Takagi

As I've mentioned in earlier blog posts, the late Japanese crime fiction writer, Akimitsu Takagi has four novels translated into English. Two of these four feature State Prosecutor Saburo Kirishima and are part of a seven part series. The Informer is the second in this series.

In The Informer, a former Tokyo stock exchange worker, Shigeo Segawa, is fired because of illegal trades. Segawa accepts a job from an old friend and discovers that this new firm is actually an agency for industrial espionage.

Early on, I was beginning to think that The Informer was strictly a story about industrial espionage and not a murder mystery. It takes a while before a murder takes place in the novel.

The story turns out to be more complicated than I originally suspected. The circumstantial evidence builds against Shigeo Segawa, so naturally I assumed that Segawa would not be the killer, although figuring out who the actual killer might be wasn't so easy.

Upon finishing The Informer, I'll move on to the third book in the Prosecutor Saburo Kirishima series, Honeymoon to Nowhere

It doesn't appear that there will be additional translations of Takagi's work and at 72, I'm too old to learn enough Japanese to read the entire series. That's unfortunate.

Saturday, September 14, 2024

The Noh Mask Murder by Akimitsu Takagi

In my blog post on The Tattoo Murder Case by Takagi Akimitsu , I mentioned that "I found this novel surrounding the tattoo subculture in Japan one of the best mysteries I've read this year." I've read two mysteries novels since making that statement, and while I still believe it remains "one of the best", Akimitsu Takagi's second novel, The Noh Mask Murder is even better.

Like The Tattoo Murder Case and John Dickson Carr's The Three Coffins, The Noh Mask Murder is a "locked room mystery" and like Carr's book, the story has three coffins. When it comes to "locked room mysteries", Takagi learned his lesson well.

I thought I had the story figured out. I was certain I knew the identity of the killer, only to be fooled and fooled yet again.

Four of Akimitsu Takagi's mystery novels have been translated into English. I'm about to start The Informer and then on to Honeymoon to Nowhere. It's unfortunate for me that there aren't more of his books in English. 

As an aside, one of the characters in the book is considered the "Japanese Philo Vance".  The Greene Murder Case is mentioned - there's even a chapter in The Noh Mask Murder with that title. I may get around to reading the S. S. Van Dine novel, although not until I've finished with Takagi.

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

The Three Coffins (AKA The Hollow Man) by John Dickson Carr

As I mentioned in an earlier blog post, one of the main characters in Akimitsu Takagi's mystery novel, The Tattoo Murder Case, Kenzo Matsushita is himself a big fan of mystery novels. It's mentioned that Kenzo is reading The Three Coffins by John Dickson Carr. Naturally, I searched the web for information on Carr's book.

The Three Coffins was published under that title in the U.S. in 1935. The book was published that same year in the U.K. as The Hollow Man and has received high praise from many critics, particularly for the often-reprinted "locked room lecture" given by investigator Gideon Fell in chapter 17. In 1981, a panel of 17 mystery authors and reviewers selected the novel as "the best locked room mystery of all time".

Upon reading such praise, I decided to read The Three Coffins before going on to Akimitsu Takagi's other novels that are available in English.

I have mixed thoughts on the book. Frankly, I feel the story drags in the early stages and it isn't until the chapter 17 "locked room lecture" that the book picks up. The ending, where the locked room mystery of The Three Coffins is explained is top notch but, unfortunately, one must read a good deal of sub-par writing to get to the end. 

The book was placed at No 40 on the Crime Writers' Association's list of The Top 100 Crime Novels of All Time and No 96 on the Mystery Writers of America's Top 100 Mystery Novels of All Time

Honestly, I don't see it.

Saturday, September 7, 2024

The Tattoo Murder Case by Akimitsu Takagi

When Akimitsu Takagi published his first novel, The Tattoo Murder Case, the practice of tattooing was illegal in Japan. Although a part of Japanese subculture, the art had been illegal since the Edo Period in the 1860s. Takagi was fascinated by the full body Japanese tattoo and as one would expect from the title, the people who create tattoos, as well as those who have them , play a central role in the mystery.

I don't have tattoos myself, and I'm not likely to ever get one. However, I found this novel surrounding the tattoo subculture in Japan one of the best mysteries I've read this year. The story deals with the deaths of three siblings - the children of a famous tattoo artist - who had received tattoos from their father, depicting an accursed legend from Japanese mythology.

I also learned from the novel that, although tattooing was illegal during the Edo period, tattooing foreigners was allowed. As a matter of fact, two famous cousins, the future Tzar Nicolas II of Russia and the future King George V of England both had dragons tattooed onto their forearms during their time stationed in Japan while in the Russian and British navies.

One of the main characters of the novel, Kenzo Matsushita is himself a big fan of mystery novels. It's mentioned in the book that Kenzo was reading The Three Coffins by John Dickson Carr. That book, also known as The Hollow Man in the U.K., is considered on of the greatest "locked room" mystery novels of all time. Akimitsu Takagi had four of his novels translated into English, and it was my original intention to read the four back to back. However, I've decided to read The Three Coffins before continuing on with Akimitsu Takagi's second novel, The Noh Mask Murder.

Sunday, September 1, 2024

VW #44 Revisited


While riding my bicycle this morning, I turned down the road going to Brgy. Cadawinonan on a whim. Not far down the road, I spied this yellow VW.
I've come across this VW before. In March, 2018 it was featured on another of my blogs-[Yellow Beetle With a Rack On Top ]